Our ward (its an Area of People organized by the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints) asked every family to bring a blanket for our Christmas party. Each blanket would be donated to the LDS church to send to people that need them.

They asked for colorful...thats what I gave them....

My intention was to make this full size, but I only had enough scraps for a twin size...

I ended up tying this quilt (I really, really, really wanted to quilt this blanket but just did not have time on my side)
Every single one of those pieces of fabrics came from a previous quilt that I had made. They were all scraps that I hadn't used. It was soooo nice to be able to use things that I already had in my scraps stash!
I used a twin size sheet for the backing so that I would not have to sew one together

To bind it I folded the sheet over about a 3 inches and just sewed along the edge. I did not bother with turning the edge of the sheet over because they are already finished nicely on a sheet. The above picture is the corners that I did. I would sew down along the edge of the sheet all the way to the end of the blanket. Then I would move the blanket so that I could sew down the next edge...I folded the sheet that would be the binding, so that it was a triangle in the corner and then folded it over the blanket so that it looked like it was a miter corner. Even though I don't think technically it is (who knows). Then I pinned the corner down and just did the edge (I did not sew the corners down yet.
I did that all the way around the quilt and then went back and just sewed down the corners at the end

(here I am sewing down the binding of the blanket)
It is a good thing that I ended up not having enough scraps to do a full size; this blanket took up the entire living room as it was when I was tying it. I don't think I would have had enough room to tie a full size blanket. Thanks to my MIL she helped me finish tying this blanket..
Oh and all the yarn for tying was different colors. I used green, pink, and a multicolored (purple, yellow, and blue I think) yarns for this blanket.
These scraps all came from the rag quilts that I have been making over the last 6 months. This blanket is full of memories and I hope that the person who gets it loves it and keeps them warm...