This is my blog post that I shared with Oopesy Daisy Readers yesterday. I thought you all would enjoy seeing it.

This is a fun I Spy Baby Block that I whipped up in just a few minutes (ok maybe 1/2 hour)

You will need 6 square pieces of fabric. Mine are 5 inches. Also, if you are wanting to to add the appliques you can find them

I used 4 appliques.

Raw edge applique the animals onto the squares that you would like them on. Sew about 1/4 inch away from the edge of the applique.

Sew the squares together like in the picture above. Repeat with the 3 remaining squares.

Then sew the squares together as above

Now sew the 2 separate 3 square sections together. Notice that I sewed the sections together wrong. 2 of the animals ended up being upside down...

Sew them together all the way around so that you have a block. Make sure to leave a small hole to turn the block right side out.

Turn the block right side out

Now stuff the block with batting or really small fabric scraps

Sew the hole closed with a needle and thread. I hate doing this part, but remember that the smaller hole you leave open the less you have to sew back together :)

Now try and take pictures of your block...this is my failed attempt. The wind blew the block over the railing and my dear 4 year old saved it for me. Man I love that girl

Now you have a really fun I spy block.

Make sure to stop by and tell me hi