Yesterday my 4 yr old (she is a Sunbeam) was asked to give a talk in Primary. She was really excited! For those of you that don't know, I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. For more information you can go here
I wanted to make to have my daughter give her talk basically by herself. This method will work for just about anyone in anything.
We went over her talk only 4 or 5 times and she was able to give the talk mostly by herself. I was so proud of her.
To view her entire talk (and the cheat sheet) go here. The above picture is 1 page of the talk without any of the parental helps.
And yes I do have your promised blanket pattern almost ready. I just have not been able to get pictures of it yet. The weather here has been really rainy and windy. So weather permitting (it is supposed to be nice tomorrow) I will have a new pattern for you on my blog tomorrow
My little girl is supposed to give a talk on Father's Day about the Holy Ghost, so I was really excited to see this post. But I can't get the link to the whole talk to work. It says the page or doc. is not available. I would love to see it!
I updated the link so hopefully it works now...let me know if it does not. Thanks Alison for the heads up!
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