Rag Diaper Bag from Amber | A Vision to Remember All Things Handmade Blog: Rag Diaper Bag from Amber

Rag Diaper Bag from Amber

Isn't this purse just adorable.  Amber made it using THIS rag diaper bag purse pattern.

This is part of what she said:
"Here is the purse I made from your pattern. It was really fun to make.  My husband actually helped a lot too. It was really fun! We are excited about our little Lillie coming soon!!!  We have decorated her room with ladybugs! This is my first baby and I am sure I will be making a lot more fun things for her. I don't really sew so me making this purse was a BIG deal. LOL! My next project is going to be to make her roman blind curtains for her room using red gingham. Any suggestions??? :) Thanks again for the great pattern!"

So do any of you have any suggestions for her?
I have made 1 roman blind with my moms help.  It was really easy.  My suggestion is to make sure to get a really sturdy bracket.

Anyone else? 

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