Family Service Project: Writing People in Service | A Vision to Remember All Things Handmade Blog: Family Service Project: Writing People in Service

Family Service Project: Writing People in Service

Every 6 months or so, my family writes the Missionaries of our church +The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints a little note for Family Home Evening.  Its a simple and fun service project for the whole family to get involved in.  Most of the time each of my kids write their own note/color a page and then I send them off to the missionaries.  
When Expressionary emailed me and asked me if I would do a review on their stationary I was excited because it was about that time of year again. 

They sent me note cards with little pictures that describe each person in my family.  The girls just thought these were the coolest things ever!  Especially with the mom being pregnant in the picture.  They kept asking "how did they know you were going to have a baby?"

They also sent me some awesome notepads that I have had to hide from the munchkins so that I can use them myself!  Along with cute little address labels.

Side Note:
I often think we should write to someone in the military serving, but sadly I don't know anyone.  That is on my list of people that my girls will write though.

The little miss LOVES the scissors, and just had to have them cause her sisters did.  Man I hate my kids growin up! 

Drawing pictures and writing notes:

If you are in need of some cute and high quality stationary, make sure to check out Expressionary 
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OneMommy said...

Love homemade cards from little ones! What a great service project!

Helen Gullett said...

Writing cards and letters are becoming our tradition too... sending emails is very easy but writing personal letter and card is more from heart to heart. Thanks for lots of chances to win!!

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