Sweater Dress Upcycle for a Toddler from Womens Shirt | A Vision to Remember All Things Handmade Blog: Sweater Dress Upcycle for a Toddler from Womens Shirt

Sweater Dress Upcycle for a Toddler from Womens Shirt

Today, I made my toddler a fun hooded upcycled sweater dress that she has not taken off yet. She is in love with it, and so am I. You all know how much I love to make my girlies clothes. I especially love making them clothes out of clothes that I would normally send to the thrift store.
sweater dress upcycle toddler outfit how to sew childrens clothingThis cute little little dress took me seriously about 15 minutes to make. That included coaxing her to try it on 4 different times.

sweater dress upcycle toddler outfit how to sew childrens clothingThis sweater had a deep V-neck. I had some extra knit fabric that I sewed into the V. I need to add something else at the top. Ruffles, maybe?
sweater dress upcycle toddler outfit how to sew childrens clothingLook at how adorable she is.

sweater dress upcycle toddler outfit how to sew childrens clothingShe is so comfortable in this dress.

sweater dress upcycle toddler outfit how to sew childrens clothingHere is the shirt before I started to sew it. I first had her try it on inside out. Then I pinned where it needed to be taken in (its those yellow dots around the armpit).

Then I just sewed along the pins, cut away the extra fabric. Then I added the knit fabric to the V-Neck.

Seriously. This project took me 15 minutes. Go take a look in your closet. I know there are clothes in there that you do not wear anymore that your kiddies would love to wear. Plus it is really easy on the pocket book.


Lynette said...

I love it! Doesn't it make you feel good making something new out of something old...great job!

Nancy said...

Great job!!! I love using clothes I don't wear anymore to make things for my kids!!!

Mandy said...

That is a seriously cute project~ I'm dying to see if I have anything to try that with.

janimal said...

Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog. LOVE the upcycled dress. Honestly I don't think it needs anything else. Well done!

Krista @ Craving Some Creativity said...

This is an awesome project...makes me want to go out and replace my sewing machine soon! Thanks for stopping by today:)

Bonita Rose said...

thks for the invite, I'll def try to link up my circle flower tutorial for you on sat.. thks again! xo

Jess @ Frugal with a Flourish said...

Too freaking cute! Love how it turned out!

Sarah said...

What an adorable and thrifty idea. LOVE IT! Thanks for sharing with us.
God's blessings,
Sarah :D

Anji* said...

That dress is so cute! I am going to go home, rifle through my wardrobe and see what I can convert for my daughter!

Andrea said...

Very nice!! I have a couple sweaters I think it is time to make smaller and cuter :) Thanks for linking to Make It Wear It @ TheTrainToCrazy.com!

Fawnda@Fireflies and Jellybeans said...

Totally cute! I love it! :)

Jenni R. said...

Amazing re-do! Way to have vision!

Amy said...

I want a sweater dress like that! Too cute!

Kaysi said...

Super cute!! I would love to use my clothes for my kids... but I don't think my boys would approve :)

Sew Can Do said...

Cute and thrifty (my favorite things!). Thanks for linking up to Craftastic Monday!

Stephanie Lynn @Under the Table and Dreaming said...

Super cute! What a great way to recycle! Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing at the Sunday Showcase Party! I greatly appreciate it! Hope you have a great week! ~ Stephanie Lynn

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