Old Trunk Turned Sofa Table | A Vision to Remember All Things Handmade Blog: Old Trunk Turned Sofa Table

Old Trunk Turned Sofa Table

 If you follow me on Instagram you would know a couple months ago I found this awesome trunk for a steal of $10!  It is OLD.  Its cracked.  Its definitely not in very good shape but I think in its oldness there is a lot of beauty!
 At the same garage sale I found a table. So of course I bought the table.  It was only $10 (now I have to figure out what to do with the table top) and made my trunk into a table itself.  Its not quite finished yet.  I need to make a shelf for about 8 inches off the floor and pain that board red.  But all in due time. 
 So I painted and distressed the legs and my husband helped me attach the legs to the trunk.
 Lets just say I love looking down my stairs now seeing my trunk. 

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