Simple, Cheap Art with Leather Texture | A Vision to Remember All Things Handmade Blog: Simple, Cheap Art with Leather Texture

Simple, Cheap Art with Leather Texture

I had a huge blanket wall in my basement.  I hated looking at it.  Seriously!  So when my when opened our new clothes I had a little a-ha moment.  Its actually kinda embarrassing that I have cardboard on my wall.

 So here is how I did it.

I took the 2 pieces of cardboard.  They are about 2 1/2 ft square and 1 inch thick. 
 I gathered my other supplies (paint, tissue paper, and painting supplies)
 Then we got to work painting. 
 First roll a coat of paint on.  I work in sections about as big as my tissue paper. 
 After you have painted a spot then place the wrinkled tissue paper onto the board. After you have done that with all of the board then do another coat or 2 over the tissue paper so that it is all covered. 
Then after I painted I took some stain and did a little rubbing of it all over to get it into the creases to age it a bit.  

 Then after I painted with the tissue paper texture I painted a couple lines for the stems. Then I used some of the clay buttons I made a while ago, and some metal flowers I got from Pick Your Plum and hot glued them onto the board.

So yes, I now have some cheap ol art to cover up my big huge blank wall. 
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