The Best Grape Salad Ever | A Vision to Remember All Things Handmade Blog: The Best Grape Salad Ever

The Best Grape Salad Ever

I was introduced to this salad by my mom a couple years ago. And now (thanks to her) I crave this salad year round! 

Thankfully, Fred Meyer had grapes for $.99 this week (that is super cheap in these parts!).  So I bought myself a few bags and skipped the whole way hope.  

The Best Grape Salad Ever by A Vision to Remember

First you will need to take all the grapes off the vine.  I used 3 lbs.  Wash and dry
Whipping Cream all fluffed up for Grape Salad
Whip up some whipping cream (or use the store bought stuff)

Make a yummy mixture of 1 package of cream cheese (8 ounces) with 1/2 cup sugar, and 1 tsp vanilla all together.  Then fold in the whipping cream into the cream cheese mixture.
Chopped Pecans
Chop some pecans
combine grapes with whipping cream
And stir it all together. 
Whipping Cream and cream cheese combined with grapes
Top with a few nuts and you have the best grape salad on the planet. No joke!
How to make a delicious grape dessert for parties
3-4 lbs grapes
1 quart whipping cream whipped (or a large tub of cool whip, I prefer the good stuff)
1/2-1 cup of chopped pecans (depending on how many you like)
1 8 ounce package cream cheese
1/2 cup sugar
1 tsp vanilla

Combine the sugar, vanilla, and cream cheese.  Whip whipping cream and then fold into the cream cheese mixture.  Combine all the remaining ingredients with the whipping cream mixture.  Chill for 1 hour. 
Find more yummy recipes for busy moms, or just because here on our A Vision to Remember. 
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