The Dream Treehouse Without a Tree | A Vision to Remember All Things Handmade Blog: The Dream Treehouse Without a Tree

The Dream Treehouse Without a Tree

Our kids have begged for years for us to build a treehouse. 

The only problem is that we didn't have any trees big enough for a treehouse. We built our home 11 years ago and have struggled with growing trees as it is. But even with 11 years, a tree in Idaho isn't going to big enough or strong enough to host a treehouse. 

So my husband dreamed up this beautiful (un)treehouse. 

The basic specs: 

Posts are 12" square. Platform is 10 feet off of the ground and measures about 12 feet on each side

We didn't use any plans. Dillon is really good at having a plan, drawing it out, one step at a time, and executing it.

We painted the platform before proceeding with building the walls. We figured it would be easier to paint now instead of trying to trim out with the walls on. We also painted the underneath part of the platform and around the edges. But not the pretreated posts.

First walls are going up. If you see that cute little vintage metal slide behind the platform. We used the slide stairs for the ladder to get onto the platform, and attached the slide to the other side to create a "Playground"

 Next walls going up. Doorway. Check. Window boxes will be going in the next steps

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In the middle of building, Dillon missed a box jump at Crossfit and landed on his shoulder and broke the shoulder blade. This made for some interesting building, and lots of me lending my (not as useful) muscles to the project. But we both powered through and are so proud of what we were able to build. 

Window boxes and wall sheeting up next.

The inside wasn't as pretty know..we would like. So a quick coat (3 coats later) of barn paint inside, with all hands on deck (even the 2 year old). It turned out beautifully 

Front almost done. Just needs a little bit of trim. If you look in the doorway you can see a sneakpeak of a fun feature we added to the treehouse. 

Railing coming up next. Gotta make it safe for the kiddos (and adults!)

We used metal tubing and angle, welded together to create one very strong rail. 

The weathered wooden fencing that we used on the railing (and as the surprise inside) came from Dillon's grandpas fence that was torn down. I love that there is some sentimentality involved in the project. Great Grandpa's fence, Grandpa's hands helping to build (in the hat below), and dad. All working together to create something lasting and beautiful.

Railing done, and it has the nephew's approval. Slide and stairs have been attached.

We just have a few more finishing touches. The project took all summer, plus a broken bone, and a few scrapes and bruises. But we are in love

Just needs a little trim work and the door


Now for the surprise. After getting the inside all painted...we added a fun detail to the ceiling of the treehouse. The wooden fence from Grandpas...we screwed to the ceiling. I love the detail and that little reminder of him. 

Treehouse is all done. Completed with our favorite American symbol...the US Flag and our cute barn quilt. 

I love the metal slide too. It came from an old school down the road from where we live. It's gotta be over 100 years old and still loved by many

Front shot! Love the detail of the railing, the trim, the slide. I just love how it turned out. It was a hard project, but worth every minute of it.

We added a couple little embellishments underneath. A plastic culvert for climbing through, and an old tire we found down the field abandoned. 


Make sure to checkout our matching chicken coop made out of pallets. You won't want to miss it!

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