Finding Christ in Everyday Moments

Life has a way of pulling us in a thousand different directions. Between work, family, responsibilities, and the unexpected challenges that pop up, it can be easy to feel disconnected from Christ. But what if He is closer than we realize? What if we could find Him not just in grand spiritual moments, but in the small, everyday details of our lives?


The Unexpected Whisperings of the Spirit

One of the most beautiful truths of the gospel is that Jesus Christ is always reaching out to us. Sometimes, we expect His presence to be made known through dramatic or miraculous experiences, but more often than not, He speaks to us in a quiet whisper—a feeling of peace in a moment of stress, a kind word from a friend, or even in the beauty of the world around us.

Have you ever had a day where everything felt overwhelming, only to receive a reassuring text from a friend at just the right moment? Or maybe you felt prompted to call someone, only to find out they were struggling and needed to hear from you. These are not coincidences. These are moments where Christ is reminding us, “I am here.”


Learning to See Christ in the Ordinary

The challenge isn’t whether Christ is present in our daily lives—the challenge is whether we recognize Him. The Savior taught, “He that hath ears to hear, let him hear” (Matthew 11:15). Do we take the time to listen? Do we pause long enough to feel His love in the little things?

I remember a particularly difficult day when I was rushing to complete a long list of tasks. I felt exhausted, stretched too thin, and frustrated. As I hurried through the store, my small child suddenly grabbed my hand, looked up at me, and simply said, “I love you, Mommy.” In that moment, I felt an undeniable warmth in my heart. It was as if the Savior Himself was reminding me of what truly mattered.

We don’t need to be in the temple or kneeling in prayer to feel Christ’s love—though those are beautiful places to connect with Him. We can find Him in a child’s laughter, in the sunrise after a hard night, in the peace that comes from choosing kindness over anger. He is in the details.


Inviting Christ into Our Daily Lives

So how do we make sure we are seeing Christ in our daily moments? Here are a few simple but powerful practices:

  1. Pray with Intent – Instead of just listing off things we need, take a moment to ask God to help us see His hand in our day. Ask, “Help me recognize where You are guiding me today.”

  2. Keep a Gratitude Journal – When we start looking for Christ’s presence, we will see it more often. Writing down even small moments of joy or peace can help us see how active He is in our lives.

  3. Serve Others – The more we act as His hands, the more we feel His love. Whether it’s a text, a smile, or a meal for someone in need, these small acts of love bring us closer to Him.

  4. Slow Down and Observe – Life is noisy, but Christ speaks in quiet ways. Taking time to slow down, breathe, and notice the beauty around us can open our hearts to Him.


Christ is Always Near

No matter where we are in our journey, Jesus Christ is walking with us. Even in our hardest days, He is guiding, comforting, and reminding us that we are never alone. As we open our eyes to His presence in everyday life, we will feel more peace, more love, and a deeper connection with Him.

Today, I invite you to look for Christ in the ordinary moments. You might just find that He has been there all along.

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Finding Christ in Everyday Moments