Mothers day Present | A Vision to Remember All Things Handmade Blog: Mothers day Present

Mothers day Present

We are doing a little last minute picture collage for my mom for mothers day. It is going to include all the grandkids hopefully. Luckily for you guys, my mom does not check my blog. So here is a little preview of my daughters and their photo op :

simple mothers day gift picture collage child with poster nanaQuestion: have you ever tried to get a mobile baby to hold still for 2 minutes while you take a picture.
simple mothers day gift picture collage child with poster nana
or have you tried to get your 4 yr old to hold very still so that you can hurry and pose the said baby and take a snap shot of themsimple mothers day gift picture collage child with poster nanaThis is what we came up with. I hope you enjoyed our little preview. Oh and there will be 5 families pictures total. And so you guys don't think that I am a bad daughter we do have flowers and a book for her already I just thought this would be a great addition for her


Bird said...

Sweet! I am sure it'll make her day! :)

Even the other snaps will make her happy too, I'm sure!


Melissa said...

It turned out very cute!!

Unknown said...

I actually love all three. It would be so cute to put them in a frame with three mattes in it. So very...your little girlies!!!


Happy Gramma said...

I think it is a wonderful idea and I am sure your mother will treasure it. I have found with my parents and my hubby's parents, that as they get older, gifts like that mean so much to them. After all, what do they need at their age? If we gave them "stuff", it would just add to the clutter!

Megan Gunyan said...

That about sums it up! :) Kids never understand the concept of a photo shoot! It turned out great, though. Love the b&w!

I'd love for you to check out my blog for a fun CSN giveaway! Have a great night!

Mandy said...

Yes! I like it! On my to do list now!!

Fawnda@Fireflies and Jellybeans said...

Nanas can never have too many pictures! :) Too cute!

Ann @ makethebestofthings said...

Cute and clever and your models are gorgeous!

Kenzie said...

What a great idea! I have a 3 year old and a 20 month old so I totally understand the picture taking dilemmas, I usually get the back of someone running away while the other one is smiling! Happy Mother's Day!

Stephanie Lynn @Under the Table and Dreaming said...

Super cute! I love all the in between photos too! Adorable! Thanks again for joining the Sunday Showcase Party! ~ Stephanie Lynn


Hi, So darling, I can just picture you trying to get them to stay in shot of the camera, too cute!

Sew Can Do said...

Any mom out there will appreciate the challenge of taking a "simple" photo like this. Good job:)

Jen @ said...

So cute!

You won the Tan in a Can and Gorilla Glue from the Weekend Wrap Up Party!!! Send me your address and I will get it to Blakely from Bronzed Envy!


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