Gypsy Skirts for the Entire Family | A Vision to Remember All Things Handmade Blog: Gypsy Skirts for the Entire Family

Gypsy Skirts for the Entire Family

Well almost the whole family...just not the hubby! I don't think he would like a skirt, but he did tell my oldest that mommy never makes him anything.

I found this fun fabric at Joann's in the clearance section. It ended up being around $2.00 a yard. I think I got 2 yards. So for 4 bucks I came away with 3 skirts. Mine and my oldest are wearing
I had to chase the baby around to get a photo of her skirt. I just can't stop calling her the baby...I don't want her to grow up so hopefully the more I call her a baby it will stick.
Her skirt had 3 different layers. It is really hard to see in this picture.
The older one has a basic skirt with an elastic waistband.
And mine of course is full length with an elastic waistband, but I did not want it very full. I like to make my skirts so that they are not full, but more fitted. The elastic waistband is easier to do than adding a zipper so I almost always elect to go that way.
And this is what most of our pictures turned out to be.


Missy Shay said...

Those turned out very cute! I love the ruffle at the bottom of your skirt!

Kimberlee, The Spunky Diva said...

Those are cute! That fabric is not bad at all for clearance fabric. Good luck with getting the baby thing to stick, LOL!

carmen said...

Lovely photos, the layering is adorable.

Melissa said...

That is fun fabric and it is perfect for the season too!!

Simple Stitches AZ ~ Rachelle S. said...

how fun! I used to make matching skirts & dresses for my 4 girls when they were little. They are way too picky now. Your skirt looks so comfy! Visiting from Somewhat Simple's link party!

Andrea said...

You can't beat that price! They look great! And yes, elastic is SO much quicker than bothering with a zipper! Love them.

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