Shabby Vintage Outdoor Wedding Reception | A Vision to Remember All Things Handmade Blog: Shabby Vintage Outdoor Wedding Reception

Shabby Vintage Outdoor Wedding Reception

A few weeks ago my baby sister got married.  My mom decorated everything.  Lets just say she thinks of EVERY detail.  I thought you would all enjoy checking out some of the fun decorations that we had.  
Photo booth props (and yes I forgot to take a picture of just the photo booth).  If I find a picture of it then I will post it for you all.   

The fun lanterns leading the way
Sign in table.  My sister really wanted a quilt for everyone to sign.  Well time was a little short so no quilt was made but we did provide the guests with some fabric squares so that they could sign and she could make a quilt later on. 

Love the chandeliers!
This cute green truck was my english teachers (and driver education instructors)  He was so nice to let us use his "Frankenstein truck".  I told him how nice his truck was and he informed he that this truck is bits and pieces from all sorts of places and vehicles so he calls it his Frankenstein.  Then I had to admit that I hadn't ever read that book.  Oops!
The backdrop.  My poor brother had to climb the trees and fasten everything up there for my mom.  Lucky for us he LOVES being a monkey.
The back of the chairs.  And yes my mom and sister created all those beautiful flowers. 
The cake table.  This nice little cove is our families fire pit and that table is balanced on top of the fire pit itself. 
Bird Cage and Crystal centerpieces

The refreshment table.  Oh and those awesome cupcakes were DIVINE!

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Jeanette said...

What an amazing wedding that must have been! I love all the vintage details and the colors. I know your sister must have been so grateful for all your hard work. Stunning!

avisiontoremember said...

It wasn't really me that did it. I did help. My mom was the mastermind behind it all! She is amazing isn't she?

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