How to Easily Rethread a Serger with Pictures | A Vision to Remember All Things Handmade Blog: How to Easily Rethread a Serger with Pictures

How to Easily Rethread a Serger with Pictures

Unless you have a totally awesome serger that threads itself, every time you need to change colors on serger can be a nightmare.  Not anymore!  Seriously, there is an easier way to rethread your serger without messing up your tension.  Plus, it is way quicker, and not intimidating at all. 
All you need to know how to do is tie a knot and gently pull.  Can you do that?  Seriously.  So...Freaking...Easy!

Step 1-Cut the thread that is in your machine already.  Cut it up close to the top where your thread is hooked.  Replace those spools of thread with the new colored spools.  I started with White and will be switching to Navy Blue

Step 2-Tie a double knot joining your original thread with your new thread.  

Step 3-Pick on of the threads down by your presser foot and start pulling very slowly, making sure the thread doesn't get hung up anywhere.  If it does then find where it is getting hung up and without unthreading the machine help the thread through the tough spot.  For me on my Bernia 1150MDA it is where the thread goes through the tension disks.

Step 4-Repeat with the remaining threads, until you have all 4 threads pulled all the way through.

Step 5- Then do a quick test sergering on a scrap piece of fabric and you should be good to go with your new thread in your machine

And your DONE!  Simple, Right?!?

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Unknown said...

What great tips! Thanks! I'll pin this for later when I actually have a serger. ;)

Thriftanista in the City said...

Yes! Definitely pinning! I always have trouble with the threading. Thanks for sharing.

Melissa said...

I've been slowly saving for a serger, so I'm definitely bookmarking this for when I'm able to get it. Thank you so much for sharing (& using pictures)!

Laura108 said...

I booked marked this. I bought a serger and took the classes then came home and forgot how to change the thread lol. I find it super complicated and end up using my sewing machine with a serger attachment more. Now I will come and learn from you. I love the visuals. Thanks for sharing. This is really wonderful.

Debra Rutt said...

Wow, I don't even have a sewing machine! I remember my mom having a serger though....and she always complained about threading it!

Unknown said...

Very helpful pictures and directions.

Unknown said...

My aunt does stuff like this. I wonder if she does it the same way? Now I gotta ask :)

Unknown said...

Wow..Thank you for sharing. I would have no clue. Really like the quilt with the flowers.

Terri said...

Thanks for the tips! I have a serger sitting on our dining room table, collecting dust, but this might motivate me to finally try it out! :)

Unknown said...

Wow... these are great tips. I don't have a serger, but interested in having one in the future.

Lou Lou Girls said...

Great tips! Pinned and tweeted. Thank you for being a part of our party. I hope to see you on Monday at 7 pm. It wouldn’t be a party without you!
Happy Sunday! Lou Lou Girls

Unknown said...

Brilliant! I'll have to remember that one. Thanks for linking up to Show Me Saturday.

Diana of Diana Rambles said...

I had to pin this! I hate rethreading my serger!!!

Barb said...

Thank you for contributing to Motivation Monday!

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