Deer Silhouette Rag Quilts for Baby Boy | A Vision to Remember All Things Handmade Blog: Deer Silhouette Rag Quilts for Baby Boy

Deer Silhouette Rag Quilts for Baby Boy

Ever since I made the first Deer Silhouette Rag Quilt Car Seat Tent I have been wanting to make a rag quilt to match. But ya know, between being a mom, church duties, keeping up with the shop, and starting to sell my rag quilt patterns as hard copy versions to quilt shops around the world, I've been going a little crazy and haven't had a chance to make one. Thankfully, the sweetest customer asked me if I could make her one! I can't tell you how excited I was to make this lime green Deer Silhouette Rag Quilt for her!
Green Deer Silouhette Rag Quilt for Baby Boy
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Isn't it just darling! I am not a fan of hunting in general. I don't have anything against it. I just don't want to do it, nor do I necessarily want to decorate with it. I actually eat elk that my husband brought home from one of his hunting trips. I really like it, plus its pretty darn healthy compared to what I can get in the store! But I digress.

Lime Green, Navy, Blue, Gray Deer Silhouette Rag Quilt for Baby Bedding

Addy Mae Rag Quilt Pattern Hack with Deer Silhouette

As soon as I started to cut this quilt out, I about died!  I was loving the color scheme, and I also really liked the deer on this quilt.  I would even use it for my own little baby boy.  Plus, my husband would REALLY  like to pack his little boy around with it.

Then, I kid you not, the next day, another lady approached me and wanted the same quilt, but with orange instead of green.  I can't tell you how excited I was to make this quilt too!

Orange, Blue, Gray Deer Silhouette Rag Quilt for Nursery Crib Bedding

Orange Deer Silhouette Rag Quilt for Baby Boy
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I love both versions!  They are both absolutely darling, and not your usual, boring baby boy themed crib bedding.

Orange Deer Silhouette Rag Quilt for Baby Boy Crib Bedding

Like normal, whenever I do a custom order, I ALWAYS send the customer a picture of the quilt laid out before being sewn.  That way, if they want anything changed, then I can make the changes before sewing the quilt together.  Once its sewn, it is nearly impossible to make any changes to the quilt, aside from starting over.

Deer Rag Quilt Laid out Before Being Sewn

Want to make your own?  The pattern (does not include the deer silhouettes) is called Addy Mae Rag Quilt and Car Seat Tent Pattern and can be found on Craftsy or Etsy for instant download

If you would like your own custom rag quilt made please email me at or stop by my shop.  I would love to see what we come up with for your special someone
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