How to Create Faux Buttons for your Sewing Projects | A Vision to Remember All Things Handmade Blog: How to Create Faux Buttons for your Sewing Projects

How to Create Faux Buttons for your Sewing Projects

I don't know about you, but button holes and sewing on buttons kinda scare me.  Plus they are hard for the little people to use sometimes!

So here is my solution:  make a faux button instead!

 Simple, and quick. 

I hate sewing button holes. They never come out right for me (probably has to do with the perfectionist thing). This is an easy way that I have come up with to avoid making button holes but still be able to use all those cute buttons that I keep finding.

What you will need:
buttons, snaps, hammer, thread, and needle
How to do it:
  1. I have this dress for my baby that needed some buttons on it.
  2. Follow the directions on the snaps package and put the snaps where you would like your buttons to be

See those snaps?

Now sew the button into place over the snaps.
Make sure not to cover the snap so that the snap will not function. This particular one I sewed the button just above the button

Now you have an easy and cute way to add buttons to ANYTHING This dress is one of a set of three skirts that I purchased at Walmart awhile ago (did I say that they were each $1.00). They were womens skirts that were too big for me even. This is the baby girls dress that I made from one of the skirts. You can watch for all three dresses to be posted onto my blog…very soon.


DeeAnna said...

What a great idea! I never would have thought of that. I HATE to sew buttons and button holes!

Michelle said...

What a neat trick!

Michelle @ Delicate Construction said...

I love that, and I am very interested about this skirt into dress you speak of, will be looking forward to seeing that as well!

Julie Bagamary said...

Very clever and cute too.

honeysuckle said...

Great idea. How did you attach the snaps?

avisiontoremember said...

when I bought the snaps they come with a little thing that holds them into place and then you hit it with a hammer to get it to stay. They are really easy.

Andrea @ said...

Great idea! Stop by and link this up to my new Thursday party called Make it, Wear it!

Fawnda@Fireflies and Jellybeans said...

Great idea! I think that I can do this! Real buttons scare me! : )

Jenny @ Words on Wendhurst said...

Very clever. I love how the snaps are camouflaged!

Unknown said...

oooh, I hate button holes too! this is brilliant!!! :)

Bird said...

You clever thing!!! :)

Rowanmayfairs said...

I hate button holes too..

I have been doing snaps on my dresses, then put a cute bow over the snap where its seen ;)

Alot easier to dress my 2yr old with snaps then fiddling with buttons.

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