Deer Silhouette Rag Quilt for Car Seat Tent | A Vision to Remember All Things Handmade Blog: Deer Silhouette Rag Quilt for Car Seat Tent

Deer Silhouette Rag Quilt for Car Seat Tent

I love these cute Deer Silhouette Car Seat Tents.  I am not a hunter, my husband is, but I always try to avoid any and all hunting related decorating and clothing.  Camo....Not my think.  Deer heads on the wall (also known as Mounts {I Think}) definitely not included in my regular decor.

But this deer silhouette is definitely a favorite of mine.  I don't know why, but I just really like it!  So maybe there can be common ground between my husband and I with hunting.  Ok, probably not. 
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Deer Silhouette Rag Quilt by A Vision to Remember

The car seat tent can also be used as a small crib quilt or stroller quilt.  It is also great for a bassinet too!

Deer Silhouette Car Seat Tent by A Vision to Remember

One thing that I do for EVER custom order, is that I send a picture of the quilt laid out on the ground before being sewn so that I can send it to the customer.  That way if there is anything they want changed or switched around I can do it at that point.

Most of the time I never need to make any changes, but there are those times that it is so nice to be able to have that communication with the customer.  I can't tell you how many times I have created something completely new, and AMAZING just from having the customers input.

It is definitely a collaborative process. 

The Car Seat tent can be purchased HERE
and the larger rag quilt version can be purchased HERE

If you want to make your own, I used the Addy Mae Pattern and then added the deer silhouette using a raw edge stitch.  



Anonymous said...

This is such a cute rag quilt! Great colors!

Navy Wifey Peters @ The Submarine Sunday Link Party

Unknown said...

This is really sweet! It's obvious you know your way around a machine. Thank you for sharing!

Stampin' VMG206 said...

Love the deer! This would be a fun throw for the couch, too.
Thank you for sharing at Brag About It link party (Monday's at Midnight) on VMG206.
~ Megin of VMG206

Unknown said...

My in-laws would love for me to make this for them...the quilt not the car seat cover :-) Thanks for sharing your post at our very first #LivingwithStyle Linky Party! I hope that you will link up again next Wednesday!

Unknown said...

How clever! It look so pretty.
Thanks for linking up at the #homematterslink. We're glad to have you.

Anonymous said...

The carseat tent is genius! I would love for you to link up to the Stitch It, Blog It, Share It Link Party Sunday nights at 7pm at

Unknown said...

Love rag quilts!! and this ones a great idea!
I also love how you involve the recipient in the process!

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