Side Board Table | A Vision to Remember All Things Handmade Blog: Side Board Table

Side Board Table

This little beauty has been my little project lately (besides being a mom, and running my etsy shop)

I forgot to take a picture of it before I took everything apart on it.  So let me explain it a bit...
Those dark wood pieces are the tops to it.  I have sanded them down to stain them a dark mahogany
I have been stripping all that nasty texture off of the rest of it. It has a drawer on the top and a cupboard on the bottom. 
It sat on wheels which I am debating putting back on or not....I think it will depend on how tall I need it for the place I am going to put it in our house.  

My plans for this beauty is to be a sofa table in the living room.  My couches are black so here is my dilema:
I was planning on painting it black but I am finding out that the wood is BEAUTIFUL under neath.  So I don't really want to cover up that wood.  I want to showcase it.  But it is going to take me a long time of sanding to get it to the staining point.  So I can't paint it black (cause it would blend in with my couch) I am dreading the work of staining.  
One more bit of information:  most of my furniture (and cabinetry in the house) is/will be a dark cherry wood.  I love tuscany and a bit fancier feel.  Oh and my colors are going to be burnt orange and black.  So what is your all opinions? 


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