How to Sew Simple Ruffle Curtains | A Vision to Remember All Things Handmade Blog: How to Sew Simple Ruffle Curtains

How to Sew Simple Ruffle Curtains

Ruffle curtains are all the rage right now.  I personally HATE sewing a million ruffles.  The end result is GORGEOUS, but the time that it takes to get there is more than I have to spare.

So here is my simple solution to sewing ruffle curtains by using ruffle fabric

First you will need to decide the length you want your curtain.  

Valance in Lavender

Half Curtain in Yellow
Floor Length in Apricot
Shower Curtain in Hot Pink
 You will need a sewing machine, matching thread, and 2-3 inches more than the length you need for your curtain.  If you need more than the width that the fabric comes in then you will need to sew 2 pieces that are the same length together for the extra width.

Fold over your ruffle so that you have a 2 inch rod pocket (or whatever size pocket you need.  I always make sure that I have a ruffle starting at the top.  So the pocket might end up a little wider than 2 inches or little smaller, depending on the length of ruffles. 
As you sew down, make sure to check underneath your fabric so that your ruffles aren't being sewn on the underside.  You only want to sew on the knit fabric under the ruffles. 

 This is what your curtain will look like from the side after hanging it up.

To see how I refinished this beautiful glider rocking chair you can go HERE

If you love these curtains make sure to follow my pinterest board with lots more curtain inspiration.

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Unknown said...

So fun! Those curtains really brighten up the room. Great instructions. Thanks.

Unknown said...

I want these for my daughters room! Now I just need someone to follow your wonderful instructions!

stacey said...

my girlie-girl daughter would LOVE these curtains in her room. great idea!

Jessica Peeling said...

These are so cute! I love the way the curtain looks beside that chair, too.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! I'm so inspired. My grandmother would have loved to see me create this. Perfect for my daughters room.

Unknown said...

So pretty! I love sewing and I'm teaching my 10 and 11 year old girls. You make these look easy!

e said...

These are beautiful!! I love the long apricot one!!

Sweepster said...

Wow, you have a great talent!

Kiittäkää Aina ja Kaikesta said...

Beautiful curtains and they brighten up your room so chearfully! I would love to be able to sew like you!

Unknown said...

those are so cute! i am going to show this to my gran, who might want to make it for one of the grandkids

Unknown said...

The thought of sewing those is terrifying, but they look great!

Unknown said...

Love this! I didn't know how they were so easy!

Giveaway Lady said...

Those are adorable! We are re-doing a back room so I just might have to come back for these directions:)

Lydia @ Huckleberry Love said...

What a brilliant idea! I am re-doing my daughter's room and wanted some ruffle curtains but was cringing at the idea of making all those ruffles. Love this idea! Thanks so much for sharing at Much Ado About Monday!

Unknown said...

Those are so cute! What a brilliant idea!

Anonymous said...

So this isn't about the curtains but about your glider...I need to replace the cushions on mine and I love your cushions...where did you get it?

Anonymous said...

So this isn't about the curtains but about your glider...I need to replace the cushions on mine and I love your cushions...where did you get it?

avisiontoremember said...

I found the glider on craigslist and it was just nasty, so I repainted and had my mom help me make new covers for the cushions and now it is beautiful :)

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