Spray Painted Mirrors from Family Dollar for Instant Wow | A Vision to Remember All Things Handmade Blog: Spray Painted Mirrors from Family Dollar for Instant Wow

Spray Painted Mirrors from Family Dollar for Instant Wow

I have been in desperate need of color in my living room.  I was tired of the blah brown with warm orange.  No spark, no brightness, no color.  Just blah blending into blah.

So when I found 3 little black plastic mirrors +Family Dollar I knew I was in luck.
Spray Painted Mirrors from Family Dollar for Instant Wow

A little turquoise, a little gray, and a little brighter orange definitely to the rescue.

I know these aren't the original frames, but they are very similar.  Just to give you an idea.  
plastic mirror frames
To paint over the mirror part I used painters tape and taped down the brown kraft paper onto the mirror.  It worked great!

The only hard part to spray painting these mirrors was getting into all the nooks and crannies, but after a little patience and several layers I finally got it all covered.  

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Unknown said...

I totally know what you mean by blah! One day I was looking around my room and realized that everything we had was brown. Brown, brown, brown. Little splashes of color like your mirrors make a big difference! Great job.

Unknown said...

These are so cool and I love the colors you chose too! You should come decorate my house. How fun!

Heidi@OneCreativeMommy.com said...

Great job, Bobbie. I love the colors you chose, and changing the angles of the mirrors makes them look like you bought two different styles. Great idea.

Montserrat said...

They look great! Can you use any kind of spray paint on the plastic or is there a special type you need to get?

Randi G @frugelegance.com said...

Really nice upgrade! I love spray paint!

avisiontoremember said...

Montserrat Wadsworth:
There are special spray paints for plastic that you can use. I didn't. Where these won't be bumped and scraped I figured the regular ol kind of spray paint would work just fine. So far (6 months later) they are still looking just as good as the day that I sprayed them. Hope that helps!

Mrs. Lady Wordsmith said...

I moved into my home in July, so I still have empty wall space. This is a great idea. I'll be on the lookout for some fun mirrors. Thanks for sharing.

Heather said...

What a great idea! My house is lacking so much in the way of design. I think the fact that it is a "fixer-upper" and we haven't quite finished the fixing I get discouraged and hope semi painted walls count. I will definitely be trying this out though! And the kids would love to help me, I'm sure.

Poet, Detachment Mom, and Navy Wife said...

Great idea!

Unknown said...

That is a neat craft, I especially like the turquoise one. my favorite color.

Mom Knows Best said...

I love the colors. I love how you transformed a $1 item.

Jamie said...

How cool - I love things that don't cost much and that you can personalize for your own space!! Beautiful!

Unknown said...

What a great and inexpensive way to add some color to a room! Love this idea!

annies home said...

these look really nice love the frame like look
come see us at http://shopannies.blogspot.com

Tricia Wehner said...

very creative and great way to jazz up the house !

Cari Dunn said...

So pretty! I love the colors you chose.

AdriansCrazyLife said...

Very creative. I love that you angled them differently.

Our Hopeful Home said...

Super idea. I've been meaning to spray paint a thrift store mirror for my daughter's bedroom and you've inspired me! Gotta love the dollar store.

learningtable said...

These turned out great. What a fun project!

Christy G said...

These are cute and I love that they were cheap. I don't like spending a ton on home decor(I'm weird)

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